Committed to the professional growth and network development of young professionals.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Have You Ever Googled Yourself?
Well if you are applying for jobs, you better! It is no secret that recruiters and hiring managers regularly perform Google searches on potential hires to ensure that there are no apparent surprises. Despite what you may think, you do not have to be famous to come up in someone’s results when your name is searched. While the solution to this may seem relatively simple, I can assure you it is not. Of course there are obvious things you can do such as not putting (or allowing your friends to put) anything inappropriate or even suspicious online. my final year of law school, I even went as far as deactivating my Facebook account in hopes of insuring that I would have no surprises. I thought to myself, “I’ve never been arrested, posted naked pictures, or put anything inappropriate online”, therefore I’m fine. Problem solved, right? WRONG!
The real questions are: What will come up when your name is Googled, is there someone else on the world wide web with your name and is it possible for their inappropriate content to be mistaken for yours? The unfortunate answer to all of these questions is yes. This was exactly what happened to me; and to make it worse, it happened in the middle of a job interview. I felt like a deer in headlights and I froze with no response.
The worst part about it was that I Googled myself before and saw all that could have been mistaken for me or belonging to me. Yet, I disregarded it because I knew it wasn’t me and wasn’t posted by me; however, this is typically not the case for interviews, especially when you’re applying blindly to jobs.
You may be asking yourself, “How can I be held accountable for something that is beyond my control?” First, this situation is by no means beyond your control. The value of this experience reinforced the importance of CONTROLLING my virtual presence. You may be asking, “How can I do that?” There are two ways you can prevent yourself from feeling like a deer in headlights:
Career Eportfolio - A great website for tips and suggestions on how to create is Eportfolio California. The site states that, “At its most basic level, a career ePortfolio is similar to an academic ePortfolio. However, a career ePortfolio is unique in that it focuses on accomplishments, skills, and qualifications acquired in preparation for the workplace and beyond.” Eportfolio California directs someone interested in building a career ePortfolio to free and commercial tools that they may wish to use in building their career ePortfolio.
Professional Website - Another route is to register a domain name and create a personal website. This is the route I chose because I could use my name as the domain name, ensuring a potential employer would likely click a site named after me and know it was me. This also shows potential employers that I care about my reputation and understand how to use Internet software. Even if you don’t have website building experience, there are numerous sites that will provide simple templates and walk you through the process to create a website to use as your online portfolio. I chose GoDaddy because it has the GoDaddy Website Builder, which is quick, easy to follow, and you can have a site up in a few hours all on your own.
If you would like to see an example of what your online presence should look like, feel free to visit my site at Good luck in your job search!
Written by: DeAndre Morrow
Twitter: @MrDMorrow
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Resume Building Tips
Ever since I graduated from college, creating and editing my
resume has been one of the most mundane tasks. Despite its boring and
time-consuming nature, resume building is an essential component of your
professional life. Whether you’re a recent college grad or a seasoned
professional enjoying your current job, your resume should remain up-to-date at
all times. A good habit to develop is to update your resume as you complete
significant tasks and accomplish career goals on a daily, weekly, or monthly
basis. Additional tips to consider when building or updating your resume are:

a running list of accomplishments. As you achieve a goal or complete an
assignment, add it to your running list of accomplishments. This will make it
easier to update your resume when needed and will save you time digging through
emails and thinking intensely about what projects you completed. Developing
this habit will also help you tailor your resume to the job you’re applying to
(see tip #5).
Make your
resume results-driven. When employers look at your resume, they want to know how
you impacted a company or met a particular goal; therefore, your resume should
be results-driven. If you managed a client’s social media account for an
initiative, highlight the final social media metrics. If you pitched
journalists for a new report, mention the media attention your pitching
Be short,
sweet at to the [salient] point. It’s not necessary to include every detail
of every job you were ever hired to do. Keep your resume short, sweet and to
the point. Focus on the most salient points such as the amount of money you managed
in a budget or the number of committee members you supervised to prepare for an
your resume to the job. When preparing your resume for a job, pay attention
to the job description and the skills they are seeking then tailor your resume accordingly.
Use your cover letter and resume to show the potential employer you have the
right qualifications then speak in further detail about your skills
during the interview. Good luck!
Written by: Jenna Boyer
Twitter @_JennaDanielle_
Written by: Jenna Boyer
Twitter @_JennaDanielle_
Monday, December 2, 2013
Marketing Your Event Through Social Media
The holidays are finally here and many companies, organizations and networking groups are planning holiday parties to commemorate this special time of year. If you're like me, you're seeking creative ways to promote your event and receive a phenomenal turnout despite the abundance of galas, parties and happy hours happening around the city. How can you spread the word while simultaneously engaging with your potential attendees? Social media.
“Like” us on Facebook and “Follow Us” on Twitter are two phrases we
hear and see regularly when interacting with small or large companies,
which makes it safe to say social media plays a major role in
marketing. Whether you’re pitching a story, idea, product or event,
Twitter and Facebook are large social media outlets used to reach consumers.
With social media’s new position in the marketing world, it’s important
to understand how to use it in a way that will benefit your company
and your consumers; in this case, your event.
When planning an event, it’s important to think of whom your target audience is and what the best ways are to reach them through social media. Some factors to consider include which platforms your audience use the most, what time of day your target audience is most likely to see your tweet or post and what content will gain users attention and make them “retweet” or “share” the event information with friends. One strategy I have noticed recently is to offer a free giveaway to guests leading up to the event. A way to apply this strategy is to pose a trivia question about your company and the first person to tweet or post the correct answer gets two free tickets to the event. This is a great method to engage potential attendees and encourage users to read about your company in order to answer the trivia question correctly.
According to marketing expert Eric D. Schulz, author of The Marketing Game, “there is a simple rule for effectively using social media and it’s this — your messages must be TIMELY, RELEVANT, and ACTIONABLE.” This approach is effective and should be considered when creating a social media marketing strategy for your function. Below are a few tips for using Twitter and Facebook to promote an upcoming event.
Are there any tips you'd like to share? Leave a comment below.
Happy holidays!
Written by: Jenna Boyer
Twitter @_JennaDanielle_

When planning an event, it’s important to think of whom your target audience is and what the best ways are to reach them through social media. Some factors to consider include which platforms your audience use the most, what time of day your target audience is most likely to see your tweet or post and what content will gain users attention and make them “retweet” or “share” the event information with friends. One strategy I have noticed recently is to offer a free giveaway to guests leading up to the event. A way to apply this strategy is to pose a trivia question about your company and the first person to tweet or post the correct answer gets two free tickets to the event. This is a great method to engage potential attendees and encourage users to read about your company in order to answer the trivia question correctly.
According to marketing expert Eric D. Schulz, author of The Marketing Game, “there is a simple rule for effectively using social media and it’s this — your messages must be TIMELY, RELEVANT, and ACTIONABLE.” This approach is effective and should be considered when creating a social media marketing strategy for your function. Below are a few tips for using Twitter and Facebook to promote an upcoming event.
- Keep your tweets at a maximum of 120 characters to make it easy for Twitter users to retweet.
- HootSuite is a great program to use to schedule tweets & Facebook posts and to generate a social media analytics report.
- Encourage event partners, sponsors, friends and family to retweet and repost event information – word of mouth is still the number one form of marketing.
- Use images to get the attention of your followers. Facebook users respond best to images and graphics and are more likely to share them on their own Facebook accounts.
- Review your Facebook analytics to see what time majority of your followers are on Facebook and post information around that hour.
- Offer valuable giveaways to potential attendees, such as free tickets, at a certain time on a certain day of the week.
Are there any tips you'd like to share? Leave a comment below.
Happy holidays!
Written by: Jenna Boyer
Twitter @_JennaDanielle_
Monday, November 25, 2013
Maintaining a Work-Life Balance
It's Monday morning again and you wake up feeling like there
were no days between Friday and Monday.
You spent your entire week working over time and all you did on Saturday
& Sunday was sleep, eat and have a drink or two. Well, I am here to tell
you there is this crazy thing called life you have to balance in
your working 20’s. How? Four simple steps: relax, connect, have boundaries, and focus.

Connect. Did you notice I said “TALK” on the phone and not
text? Yes, as crazy as it sounds, get
away from anything that projects light from a square screen. Your relationships with family and friends will fulfill you better than any job. What’s even
better than just talking? Hanging out with your love ones. My mother
always told me, “You can replace your job but you can’t replace your friends and family."
Have Boundaries. Make rules for yourself that are beneficial to your personal growth. If your rule is to leave early on Friday
because you need to live your life, do it and make it clear to everyone. Sure,
there will be a day when that rule will be broken but don’t break it often. My
rule has always been personal health before work. Make rules that are reasonable and will contribute to your happiness.
Focus. If you're like me, you want to take over the world but I
notice there is no way I can do this if I am giving my energy to thousands of
big projects at once. I end up giving 10% here and there but
never giving my full energy to one thing. Write down all the things you want to
accomplish within the year. Now really look at your list, get a calendar and
for each month focus on one task. For
example, I wanted to run a 5k, throw a launch party, and launch my website but I didn't accomplish each goal because I dedicated a small percentage of myself to each goal. So, instead of taking on all at once, I
focused on one at a time.
Working helps you with necessities, such as literally feeding your body but having a work/life balance will feed your soul, making
you a happier person at home and at work. So take these tips and live your
life because it’s the things you do outside your work life that will fulfill you.
Written by: De Lisa Patterson
Written by: De Lisa Patterson
Monday, November 18, 2013
5 Tips on Effective Communication
is a part of our everyday lives but we typically lose sight of how important
good communication is. Between email and text message exchanges, personal and
professional communication blends together and ends up becoming one in the
same. Since the two types of communication are no longer separated, why not
practice good communication personally and professionally? How? Consider the

Be genuine. People can usually
sense your sincerity via email and text, even if they can't hear your voice.
Exclamation points are a nice way to add enthusiasm to your message but don’t
overdo it (see tip #4). Using friendlier language and expressions can also
spruce up a message but make it sound genuine. Consider using language you
would use in regular conversation and be mindful of your tone (yes, emails have
tones). Some words and phrases can come across as rude and if that's not the
tone you're going for, don't say it. This is also where proofreading comes into
Get to the point. I work in public
relations so I'm used to reading reports and one-pagers in a format that
presents the challenge first, the approach second then the results last. 9
times out of 10, readers only care about the results. Why make them do so much
digging to find one or two sentences explaining the results at the end? The
same applies to email. Don't use an excessive amount of jargon that your reader
may not understand; it isn’t helpful. Greet your reader, pleasantly give them
the exact information they need, sign, and send.
Don't overuse
exclamation points.
As I mentioned in tip #2, too many exclamation points can be overwhelming and
insincere. I get it, you want to be enthusiastic over email but don't frighten
your reader.
Be mindful of your
Consider what information you are trying to convey to the person on the other
side of the computer or phone. What is it they care about? What do they want to
know? What language would they understand? Be cognizant of the person you're
writing to and make an effort to include all of the information they need to
receive an adequate answer to their question, a comprehensive explanation for a
request, or a complete understanding of the information you are sharing.
Written by: Jenna Boyer
Twitter @_JennaDanielle_
Written by: Jenna Boyer
Twitter @_JennaDanielle_
Monday, November 11, 2013
How to Avoid Networking Mishaps
Most young
professionals have a good idea of what networking is and why it’s important. I
would guess that many of us in our twenties invest a decent amount of time
working it into our lives. After all, new connections have the possibility of
turning into valuable relationships, or even friendships, over time.
In my experience
helping plan conferences and working launch parties and promotional events, I’ve
had a lot of time to network and have seen wonderful connections develop. For
example, I introduced my mentor to a designer I work with and to this day they
work with each other during an annual gala.

You forget your business cards. I’ve had several occasions when I went to grab my cards only to realize I left them in my other purse! Keep a few emergency cards stashed in your wallet and in your car, that way you’ll always have something.
You run out of business cards. You probably carry about 15-20
cards on a normal day. If you’re at a networking event and run out, don’t waste
important face time explaining why you ran out. Simply suggest connecting on
LinkedIn or another online profile and sharing contact information that way.
You get an invite to an event 5
minutes before you head out in the morning. If you’re anything like me, you have friends in
many different industries. That means that during a normal workday, you could
be dressed business casual and get a last minute invite to attend an event that
calls for “haute cocktail attire” (this really happened). Keep one outfit
(pressed and fully accessorized) set aside and only wear it during emergencies
like this. The next time you get an invite like this, you’ll be ready to go.
You’re going to an event alone. I love to have a friend with me
at a happy hour or alumni meet up but I’m an introvert and don’t mind going
alone either. Someone recently told me if they’re alone, they come early to
scope out the location. This helps to avoid the, “I don’t know where I am and
I’m alone” look and helps them relax and anticipate what new connections they
can make (maybe from the event staff or panel speakers who will be present
ahead of time).
You RSVP to an event and then
loose enthusiasm the day of. If for some reason or other you’re not in the mood to
socialize but you’ve already committed to going, don’t feel pressure to talk to
everyone in the room. Listen in on the sessions or participate in the
activities and when it’s time to network, make a connection with just one
person. That way you aren’t forcing anything unnatural and you’ve still given
yourself a goal to accomplish.
other ideas to add to the list? Tweet them to me: @Janine_Clay.
Written by: Janine Clay
Monday, November 4, 2013
If I Knew Then What I Know Now
Everyone is familiar with the phrase, “Shoulda, woulda, coulda,” and
however you spell it or whatever language you use to recite it, the same
sentiment is shared; if only I knew then what I know now. I’m a 24 year-old
public relations professional working and living in DC and although I have a
lot to learn, I have learned a lot in my short time living on my own. Sure,
it’s fun to be a twenty-something residing in an active and beautiful area like
DC but being young also comes with making mistakes that probably could’ve been
avoided had I listened to my parents, managers and even friends. Some say
that’s the beauty of life and some believe being in your twenties gives you the
right to make silly mistakes because it’s the time to be young and naïve. I
can’t say I agree with the latter.
the last few years, I have made decisions that ended up being mistakes, which
taught me several lessons. By now you’re probably wondering, lessons like what?
Well, if I could go back in time and tell my 18 year-old self what I know now,
the advice would go a little something like this:
· Time is of the essence (no, really, it
is). Everything requires time; job training, career development, even getting
over heartbreak. Time changes the seasons and it changes people, in good ways
and bad. It brings experience and experience causes change and growth. Enjoy
it, appreciate it and never take it for granted.
· Mom knows best. My parents always told
me, “When you get older, you’ll look back and realize we were right.” Well, my
parents were right. I may challenge them just out of my stubborn nature and
simply thinking “How would you know? You’ve never been 24” when in actually,
they’ve been here before. Trust your parents, they’re always right.
· Not everyone that smiles in your
face is your friend. Sure, people may seem like they have your best interest at
heart or that they are genuine but that isn’t always the case, especially in
business. Be mindful of who you share personal stories with. Sometimes, the
less people know about your personal life, the better off you are.
· Network, network, network! I can’t stress enough how important it is to
build your Rolodex. Talk to everyone about their journeys and what led them to
where they are now. Ask them what their
greatest life lesson is and ask them what inspires them. You learn from every
person you interact with. Why not learn from their lessons, too?
· Take pride in your personal
appearance. First impressions are everything, that’s even outside of a job
interview, so make sure you always look your best. This doesn’t mean wearing a
$500 suit every day. Look like you but look like your best you. Any moment can
bring any opportunity so be ready to meet it with confidence. As my close
friend always says, “When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you
play good. When you play good, they pay good.” Cliché, I know, but it’s true.
· Heed the advice you give others.
It’s always easy to give advice to close friends and sometimes strangers, but
it’s typically hard to practice what we preach. Why? Because it’s easier to fix
problems that aren’t our own. When we’re frantic over a breakup or job loss, we
panic so our thoughts become clouded and our advice becomes obsolete. Try being
action-oriented and a problem solver the next time you have a personal issue.
Focus more on the solution and less on the problem.
· What you don’t like in another,
take time to change in yourself. I often hear people say “I hate when (insert
name) does that! It’s so annoying.” Sometimes I think to myself, “but…you do
the same thing.” If you despise a trait or habit in a friend, colleague,
sibling, etc., be sure to step out of your personal arena and see if you share
the same trait that you dislike. If you do, fix it.
· If you’re not outside of your
comfort zone, you’re not growing. Fear always stops me from doing something
that I’m passionate or curious about. “What if I fail? What if I disappoint the
people I care about?” Fear creates roadblocks that we turn into excuses. Don’t
let it. Stepping into the unknown can be beautiful and life changing. Go
outside of your comfort zone; you’ll probably learn your greatest life lessons
· Humility and confidence shouldn’t
be bragged about. Humility and confidence are two character traits that are
rare but admirable. No matter how far you climb up the corporate ladder, keep
your wits about you and maintain a leveled head. Remain humble, but confident,
and don’t boast about it. If you have to convince someone you are either of the
two, then you’re probably really not.
· Don’t let technology consume you.
It’s okay to put your phone, iPad or laptop down for a few hours; they’ll be
there when you get back. Turn the TV off sometimes and pick up a book. Spend
time sitting in a park watching nature in motion (sounds cheesy but it’s
relaxing, I promise). Don’t forget that you come first, before the outside
world. You were you before there was Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and every
other medium in between. Take time for yourself and learn to enjoy being alone.
It’s soothing and can be a huge help to clearing your mind.
Now I
have to ask, what would you tell your 18 year-old self?
Written by: Jenna Boyer
Twitter @_JennaDanielle_
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